About Us
The National Veterans Transition Services, Inc. (NVTSI), a 501(c)(3) organization headquartered in San Diego, California.
Our mission is to assist veterans in making a successful transition from military service to civilian life, with all veterans achieving, within their potential, their goals in the transition domains of employment and career, education, living situation, personal effectiveness/wellbeing, and community-life functioning. We do this by:
- Providing early-stage cognitive-behavioral educational intervention, to help veterans “re-boot” from military programming;
- Helping veterans transition successfully from the battle front to the home front;
- Assisting veterans in developing a successful reentry plan;
- Minimizing the effects of stress associated with service;
- Addressing social problems at their root cause;
- Helping transfer military training to California’s labor force;
- Creating an effective model that can be replicated nationally that complements existing services.
We accomplish this by conducting REBOOT Workshops aka REBOOT. REBOOT is a three-week military-to-civilian transition program that helps service members and veterans successfully reintegrate into civilian society after years of service while keeping their military core values intact.
We recognize that the scope of transition challenges and service needs goes far beyond job placement. Military service is a life choice, not a career choice. Military to civilian transition is a life change, not a job change. The goal of NVTSI’s REBOOT program is to help OIF/OEF veterans build fulfilling and productive civilian lives strengthened by the reforged elements of their military character and experience.
Leaving the military is a significant social, psychological, and professional transition. Recent years present increasing challenges. “Multiple and extended deployments and the high operational pace of the current conflicts are unparalleled for the US military’s all-volunteer force.”[1] This tempo impacts both active duty service and transition to civilian life. For the youngest and most recent veterans, unemployment rates are especially high, recently exceedingly 21 percent.[2] It is twice as difficult for wounded veterans. Since September 2001, roughly 2 million veterans have returned to civilian life.[3] Up to 200,000 more may join the civilian job market annually in coming years. “The unemployment rate for Gulf War-era II veterans is higher than the rates for other period-of-service groups[4] and young veterans earn less and have a harder time finding work than do civilians in the same age group.”[5]
Military service endows important personal characteristics, practical skills, and professional experience. Translating these for civilian life is the challenge. Existing efforts focus primarily on basic aspects of the employment transition, but do not adequately address personal and lifestyle transition or effectively prepare and support professional transition. Survey results have shown that 81 percent of transitioning military personnel do not “feel fully prepared for the process of entering the job market.”[6]
NVTSI’s REBOOT WorkshopsTM are designed to meet an acute need for robust military to civilian transition services and help transitioning service members, veterans and their spouses overcome these barriers. One of design goals of REBOOT is to create a “post military” sense of personal self-sufficiency through employment, higher education, financial literacy, or other opportunities that enhance [ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT] among Wounded Warriors and their families.
NVTSI’s REBOOT WorkshopsTM provide extensive personalized training. They scientifically address the personal [MIND/BODY] and social aspects of transition to civilian life. We use research-based, outcome-driven methods drawn from best practices in career planning and cognitive-restructuring techniques to help service members and veterans with disabilities set and achieve career goals. Training is supplemented with extended follow up that aggregates opportunities, promotes social networking, and facilitates peer support [ENGAGEMENT].
Mission – National Veterans Transition Services Inc. (NVTSI) is a 501(c)(3) organization that serves veterans making the significant transition from military to civilian life. We advocate, inform, and provide comprehensive transition services for veterans, with a focus on recently separated service members (RSS), veterans and service members within 12 months of anticipated separation.
The National Veterans Transition services Inc. was established in May, 2010 by veterans to serve veterans. We were started by a group of retired, high ranking Navy and Marine Corps officers and workforce development professionals. To date we have REBOOTed over 500 service members, veterans and spouses. Each workshop of 20 students costs $50,000 – $2500 per participant (this includes placement and follow-up).
NVTSI’s leadership team includes senior officer and senior enlisted military experience, extensive and significant civilian leadership experience, and considerable credentialed expertise and practical, real world experience in effective professional and personal development training.
Our annual budget is $900,000 and we are currently operating in San Diego with plans to expand to other geographical locations.
[1] “Children on the Homefront: The Experience of Children From Military Families” Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics, 7 December 2009 [2] “Employment Situation of Veterans”, National Bureau of Labor Statistics, May 2010: www.bls.gov/spotlight/2010/veterans/ [3] Bureau of Labor Statistics, Monthly Labor Review online, July 2010, Vol. 133, No. 7: www.bls.gov/opub/mlr/2010/07/art1exc.htm [4] Employment Situation of Veterans”, National Bureau of Labor Statistics, May 2010: www.bls.gov/spotlight/2010/veterans/ [5] Yochi J. Dreazen, “Veterans Struggle to Join Workforce” The Wall Street Journal, 25 March 2008, quoting a report by the Veterans Affairs Department [6] Military.com, 5 November 2007: http://about-monster.com/content/militarycom-study-reveals-profound-disconnect-between-employers-and-transitioning-military-pLearn more