Breaking News

Connecting Veterans to Resources

Wounded Warriors compete in Catalina Classic 32-mile paddle

Wounded Warriors compete in Catalina Classic 32-mile paddle

MANHATTAN BEACH, Calif.- The Wounded Warrior Battalion-West paddle board team competed in the 55th annual [...]

Attempted suicide high among San Diego-area veterans

Attempted suicide high among San Diego-area veterans

SAN DIEGO (CNS) - A total of 126 San Diego-area veterans attempted suicide and 22 [...]

Veterans back to work in San Diego  0


Crisis Intervention Teams For Vets: Sure Beats Jail

Crisis Intervention Teams For Vets: Sure Beats Jail

Las Vegas — About 2.5 million troops have served in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. [...]

McCaskill highlights work for veterans in campaign stop

McCaskill highlights work for veterans in campaign stop

With two recent polls showing that she now has the edge in her re-election bid, [...]

Companies now seeking veterans

Companies now seeking veterans

Fox News - A coalition of 59 American companies made a pledge, last year, to [...]

First lady announces new hiring push for vets

First lady announces new hiring push for vets

NAVAL STATION MAYPORT, Fla. (AP) — First lady Michelle Obama chose a naval station in [...]

Reporter, Marine vet, likely in Syrian custody

Reporter, Marine vet, likely in Syrian custody

Former Marine and freelance journalist Austin Tice is likely being held in custody by the [...]

Soldier may appeal Canadian deportation order

Soldier may appeal Canadian deportation order

TORONTO — A U.S. soldier facing deportation after fleeing to Canada to avoid the war [...]

Helo squadron CO, CMC fired after mishaps

Helo squadron CO, CMC fired after mishaps

The commanding officer and command master chief of a Norfolk, Va.-based helicopter squadron were fired [...]