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Connecting Veterans to Resources

Starbucks chairman Howard Schultz co-writing book on military veterans  0

AP NEW YORK -- Starbucks chairman Howard Schultz is collaborating on a book about veterans [...]

Memo To Employers: Veterans Aren’t PTSD Basketcases; They’re Disciplined And Committed

The stories keep coming—relentlessly. Daily in the national media—on TV, radio, online and on the [...]

Veterans Make Valuable Employees, So Why Aren’t More Getting Hired?

Veterans Make Valuable Employees, So Why Aren’t More Getting Hired?

One of the country’s top think-tanks has a memo for American employers: Hiring veterans isn’t [...]

Governor Brown Signs Assembly Bill 13 Granting Veterans In-state Tuition at California Public Colleges  0

Governor Brown Signs Assembly Bill 13 Granting Veterans In-state Tuition at California Public Colleges

On Saturday, Governor Brown signed Assembly Bill 13. AB 13 requires California public colleges to [...]