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Connecting Veterans to Resources

Category "Reports/Surveys"

Women Veterans Report: The Past, Present and Future of Women Veterans

Women Veterans Report: The Past, Present and Future of Women Veterans

Since the time of the All-Volunteer Force, the number of women serving in the military [...]

Volunteering Eases Veterans’ Transition To Civilian Life  0

Volunteering Eases Veterans’ Transition To Civilian Life

Veterans could better transition to civilian life by volunteering with civic service programs in their [...]

A case for greater coordination and collective impact among veteran service providers in communities

A case for greater coordination and collective impact among veteran service providers in communities

The Institute for Veterans and Military Families at Syracuse University (IVMF) today released a report [...]

Special Report Sheds Light On Third Largest Population of Veterans in California  0

Special Report Sheds Light On Third Largest Population of Veterans in California

Orange County Community Foundation Examines the Uphill Battles Veterans Face Coming Home Newport Beach, Calif. (August [...]

COMING HOME: Support for Returning Veterans  0

COMING HOME: Support for Returning Veterans

Embedded from REBOOT Workshop [...]

Easter Seals and the National Conference of State Legislatures Bring State Policy Options for Female Veteran Reintegration to Forefront  0

Easter Seals and the National Conference of State Legislatures Bring State Policy Options for Female Veteran Reintegration to Forefront

Community Solutions Necessary to Meet the Needs of this Growing Veteran Population SEATTLE, Aug. 3, 2015 [...]

After the Wars – Post-Kaiser survey of Afghanistan and Iraq war veterans  0

After the Wars – Post-Kaiser survey of Afghanistan and Iraq war veterans

More than half of the 2.6 million Americans dispatched to fight the wars in Iraq [...]

Serving Those Who Served: A Wise Giver’s Guide to Assisting Veterans and Military Families  0

Serving Those Who Served: A Wise Giver’s Guide to Assisting Veterans and Military Families

Aid for veterans, military servicemembers, and their families is a comparatively new and very fast-growing [...]

Women Veterans Today  0

Women Veterans Today

The Tradition, Service, and Pride of Women Veterans began as early as the American Revolution. [...]

Bush Institute Releases Findings on How Non-Profit Organizations Can Better Serve Military Veterans

Bush Institute Releases Findings on How Non-Profit Organizations Can Better Serve Military Veterans

DALLAS, TEXAS (February 18, 2015) -- The Bush Institute at the George W. Bush Presidential Center [...]