We are pleased to announce “OPERATION REBOOT – Veterans Ready for Hire.” Transitioning veterans who have just completed an intensive five-week work readiness and job training program to prepare them for careers in Project management.
With funding from the California Employment Training Panel (EPT), and the assistance of over 40 organizations, we have organized a predictable talent pipeline from military service to America’s workforce called OPERATION REBOOT.
Veterans Ready For Hire

OPERATION REBOOT Is an industry-driven initiative to “Reboot the lives & careers of local transitioning service members and veterans and promote employment in key priority industries.”
By focusing on and resolving the key reintegration issues of veterans and the challenges employers face trying to hire them, OPERATION REBOOT orchestrates a predictable talent pipeline from military service to employment in priority sectors through a coordinated training effort with multiple agencies.
In collaboration with local military bases, veteran workforce agencies and training partners, the program starts by REBOOTing and re-classifying local transitioning service members/veterans, matching them with jobs in high job growth industry sectors, coordinating job training, then placing them with local businesses in demand jobs.
To learn more about our veterans Ready For Hire Program, or to become a OPERATION REBOOT member, please contact our placement subsidiary Hire GI.
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