San Diego is home to the largest concentration of military forces in the world, and represents a vital strategic value to our country. The region plays an even more invaluable role in the National Defense Strategy as the “Pivot to the Pacific” emerges. San Diego is homeport to over 60 percent of the ships of the U.S. Pacific Fleet and over one-third of the combat power of the U.S. Marine Corps. There are over 100,000 active-duty Navy and Marine Corps personnel assigned to the ships and bases in the San Diego region and approximately 25,000 Department of Defense civilian employees. The unique relationship between the military and the San Diego region exists nowhere else in the country. The presence of Department of Defense (DoD) facilities, personnel and equipment generates a significant economic impact on the San Diego region that far outpaces other industries in the area.
The 2013 SDMAC MEIS provides several new innovations, including the economic impact of individual Navy ship classes, and demographic information on where San Diego’s active duty, retired military and retired DOD civilians live in our region. The Study also includes an update on the regions’ military installations and commands. SDMAC has once again engaged the Fermanian Business and Economic Institute of Point Loma Nazarene University to produce the Study.
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