In a powerful tribute to Memorial Day and Armed Forces Day, the Chula Vista Public Library will screen an award-winning film, “Patriot Guard Riders: Soldier Down – Kickstands Up,” on Saturday, May 21, at 1 p.m.
Shown at the Civic Center Branch Library, 365 F Street, the 73-minute film takes viewers on a solemn ride to funerals of soldiers killed in action. The Patriot Guards are a 250,000-strong volunteer motorcycle group that originally formed to protect grieving families from harassment by a hate group or protesters. At the invitation of the family, the riders escort a fallen soldier from airfield to grave, and form a protective shield of honor and respect.
“Patriot Guard Riders” has garnered awards at a variety of film festivals, and reveals an unlikely but strong bond between the riders and the grieving families, as well as with the military. Director Ellen Frick examines the usually untold legacy of war – the families of fallen soldiers. The film also explores group members’ capacity for healing from the ravages of war, where strong bonds help veterans recover from PTSD and other mental health problems.
Supported in part by the Veterans Connect @ the Library grant project, there is no charge.
For further information, please call the library at (619) 691-5069.