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Senate Republicans shoot down jobs bill for veterans

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Senate Republicans shoot down jobs bill for veterans

On Wednesday in Washington D.C. Senate Republicans continued their obstruction of legislation designed to help the Americaneconomy by blocking the motion to proceed on a bill designed to help veterans obtain jobsin the public and private sector.

At a cost of $1 billion over a five year period, the Veteran’s Jobs Corps Act of 2012 would have created a job corps for veterans looking for work. According to the text of the legislation for S.3457, the program would have employed veterans as police and firefighters as well as employing veterans in “conservation, resource management, and historic preservation projects on public lands and maintenance and improvement projects for cemeteries under the jurisdiction of the National Cemetery Administration.” In addition to direct federal, state, and local public sector work, the program would have also provided grants to non-governmental groups hiring veterans for jobs covered by the program.

The unemployment rate for veterans remains significantly higher than the national unemployment rate of 8.1% in August.

Click below for the full article on the Examiner.

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