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Connecting Veterans to Resources

Operation Reinvent and REBOOT Workshop KUSI Interview


Operation Reinvent Makes over women veterans  0


Vets In Tech Helps Veterans Land Technology Jobs  0

Vets In Tech Helps Veterans Land Technology Jobs

Vets in Tech helps veterans of the U.S. military transition into tech careers, whether they [...]

24 Women Veterans Get a Makeover

24 Women Veterans Get a Makeover

After 57 workshops that have been 90% male, they held their first all-women-veteran workshop and [...]

NVTSI Graduates its first all female veteran REBOOT workshop

NVTSI Graduates its first all female veteran REBOOT workshop

Twenty-four women veterans and transitioning service women graduate Reboot Workshops by National Veterans Transition Services Inc.'s [...]

Operation Reinvent

"Project Makeover"- Operation Reinvent consists of programs that support, educate and create a clear path [...]

Voc Rehab and the GI Bill: What’s the Difference?

Voc Rehab and the GI Bill: What’s the Difference?

Any Veteran can tell you what the GI Bill is, but what about Voc Rehab? You may [...]

VAPP for Active Duty Service Members, Veterans, and Dependents  0

VAPP for Active Duty Service Members, Veterans, and Dependents

VAPP provides cloud-based mobile and web applications with self-service ERP capabilities to intelligently help Service [...]

2014 Veterans Integration Program

2014 Veterans Integration Program

Strong leadership, teamwork and problem solving are skills that are second nature to military veterans. [...]

How the military isolates itself — and hurts veterans  0

How the military isolates itself — and hurts veterans

Phillip Carter and retired Lt. Gen. David Barno are veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan, respectively, [...]