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Connecting Veterans to Resources

Reintegrating Veterans is our Duty

Reintegrating Veterans is our Duty

Our veterans returning home are leaders & problem solvers. And with over 1 million veterans [...]

New Study Outlines Economic & Employment Challenges Facing U.S. Veterans  0

New Study Outlines Economic & Employment Challenges Facing U.S. Veterans

America needs to rethink its model for veteran employment! ALEXANDRIA, Va., May 12, 2015—Veterans have a [...]

VA to offer one-stop website for all veterans benefits

VA to offer one-stop website for all veterans benefits

Launching New Community Initiative Veterans will soon be able to log in to just one website [...]

Veterans Business Centers Receive Funding To Expand Entrepreneurship Outreach

Veterans Business Centers Receive Funding To Expand Entrepreneurship Outreach

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) announced funding today in the total grant [...]

NAVNET Jobs for May

Today's Jobs 5/6/2015 - you must create an account with NAVNET to view these jobs. The [...]

Travis Manion Foundation Seeking Veteran Mentees for San Diego

Travis Manion Foundation Seeking Veteran Mentees for San Diego

The Travis Manion Foundation has a 10 month Mentorship and Advocacy Program for veterans that [...]

Big Announcement from Veteran Entrepreneurs Today!  0

Big Announcement from Veteran Entrepreneurs Today!

We're pleased to announce that the V.E.T. program has realigned with a highly prestigious local [...]

MilitaryOneClick Announces Launch of the Coalition for Veteran Owned Business  0

MilitaryOneClick, the premier online resource for active duty military, reservists, veterans and their families, announced [...]

How PTSD Became a Problem Far Beyond the Battlefield  0

How PTSD Became a Problem Far Beyond the Battlefield

Though only 10 percent of American forces see combat, the U.S. military now has the [...]

How can we end homelessness among female veterans?

How can we end homelessness among female veterans?

A new report offers a four-pronged approach to address homelessness among female veterans. Researched by the [...]