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Connecting Veterans to Resources

Category "Employment"

New veterans find themselves employed and connected but battling health woes after discharge

New veterans find themselves employed and connected but battling health woes after discharge

Health issues are the main concern facing veterans in the first year after leaving the [...]

Job-Set Uses Artificial Intelligence To Match Veterans to Jobs

Job-Set Uses Artificial Intelligence To Match Veterans to Jobs

Job-Set uses a dating-site style algorithm that matches veterans to jobs through the use of [...]



Over 1.5 million veterans are living in poverty. Transitioning from the military to the civilian [...]

Veterans Ready for Hire  0

Veterans Ready for Hire

We are pleased to announce "OPERATION REBOOT - Veterans Ready for Hire." Transitioning veterans who [...]

Navy drops enlisted job titles and leaves sailor’s individual identity behind 🗺

Navy drops enlisted job titles and leaves sailor’s individual identity behind 🗺

U.S. Navy officials announced that effectively immediately all job titles for enlisted personnel are no [...]

2015 Employer Partners

2015 Employer Partners

By the REBOOT Institute The lack of access to adequate transitional counseling and services presents many [...]

Ten Steps to a Federal Job for Veterans  0

Ten Steps to a Federal Job for Veterans

The federal government, which offers some of the best jobs, pay and benefits in the [...]

Expert’s Corner: Hiring Veterans  0

Expert’s Corner: Hiring Veterans

Unemployment among US military veterans is substantially higher than that of working age civilians. In [...]

Oceanside Veterans: The County Wants You  0

San Diego County’s commitment to the local veterans community, one of the largest in the [...]

Four ways to positively reinforce your life  0

Four ways to positively reinforce your life

Fear, insecurity, self-doubt and the like can be the biggest obstacles many of us face [...]