Breaking News

Connecting Veterans to Resources

36K Apply for Vet Retraining Assistance

36K Apply for Vet Retraining Assistance

The Department of Veterans Affairs has approved more than 36,000 applications for the Veterans Retraining Assistance [...]

New GI Bill Housing Rates for US Territories

New GI Bill Housing Rates for US Territories

The Department of Veterans Affairs has made a major change to the administrative policy regarding [...]

Charity Surprises Local Military Family With Trip

Charity Surprises Local Military Family With Trip

Sunshine Foundation Sending Santarin Family To Florida It's a dream come true for 7-year-old Francine Santarin, [...]

RQ Gets $32M Order for Naval Medical Center Work

RQ Gets $32M Order for Naval Medical Center Work

RQ Construction LLC of Carlsbad has been awarded a $31.7 million task order for renovation [...]

Thousands of veterans failing in latest battlefield: college

Thousands of veterans failing in latest battlefield: college

New statistics show that United States military veterans are struggling in college, failing in large numbers, citing [...]

Able-Disabled one of 11 organizations to receive funds to provide job training services to 5,500 veterans  0

Able-Disabled one of 11 organizations to receive funds to provide job training services to 5,500 veterans

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Labor today awarded grants totaling $11.53 million through the Veterans' [...]

Veterans Village of San Diego receives $280,000 federal grant for job training

Veterans Village of San Diego receives $280,000 federal grant for job training

Congressman Bob Filner announced $280,000 was awarded to Veterans Village of San Diego to provide [...]

Study of Marine suicides getting under way

Study of Marine suicides getting under way

With active-duty Marines taking their own lives at a near-record pace this year, officials are [...]

Local veterans among those facing huge wait times on VA claims

Local veterans among those facing huge wait times on VA claims

Nearly 30,000 veterans who've filed claims with the San Diego office of the U.S. Department [...]

Transition program aims to reduce veteran unemployment

Transition program aims to reduce veteran unemployment

Billy Blaylock thought that the end of his Marine Corps enlistment meant returning to Alabama [...]